Analyse gaspar to send an alert to mattermost
The following treatments are performed:
If no sufficient versions are found, nothing is done.
NA values are consistently set.
Type of fields are consistently set, some checks are performed on transformations.
Data set is cut and saved by departments
Only observations with spatial coordinates are kept.
Exposition of observations (belonging or not to eaip) is added.
- origin
character, path to the directory where archive are stored.
- current
character, date of the current data;
- past
character, date of the past data.
- scope
list, named list of scope (vector of commune).
- alert
logical, should the result be returned.
- verbose
logical, should the function give some sumup informations.
if (FALSE) {
origin = "data-local/georisques/gaspar"
download_gaspar(file.path(origin, Sys.Date()))
catnat = adapt_gaspar(file.path(origin, Sys.Date()), scope = list("so_ii" = so.ii::so_ii_scope))
alert_gaspar(origin, scope = "so_ii")